lunes, 13 de febrero de 2012


  What are SL Magazines For?

Prad Prithivi, the well-known designer, has recently posted a thought-provoking and provocative piece on Second Life magazines – The Devil Rezzes Prada.  Although he is talking about fashion magazine specifically, I think it’s a good idea for all Second Life magazines (and, for that matter, real life, magazines too) to look at themselves occasionally and see what they’re doing too.

When I started Prim Perfect, it was with a certain remit.  There were no Second Life furniture, homes and gardens magazines then available (for that matter, we’re still the only specialist magazine in this area).

My intention was that we should serve three distinct groups:
1) the relative newbies (as I was then), trying to furnish their own homes.  We should make clear the range of designers and styles available, and show what could be done with a range of primmages and sizes.  We would also supply tips and tricks to help.
2) those people who wanted to be self-indulgent and, heedless of the cost or primmage, have the very best.  This, of course, can make for glorious eye-candy!
3) the designers – to give them a chance to get their work out there – through articles, through advertising and through additional features such as the regular Treasure Hunt which was designed to raise awareness and increase store traffic.

The following words were taken from previous paragraphs

Online dictionary:

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